Monday, 17 August 2009


I have finished! The baby blanket, that is. Yes, it is finally done, and I think it may have reached it's new owner by now. The child it is for is still small enough to fit in it, at least. It is fabulous to have it done! I even took it to the knitting group to show it off, and it earned a round of applause.

In other news, I have also finished one of Dom's socks and am half-done on the other. I dream of doing two-at-a-time, but in this case, I'm glad that I did one at a time. But then, having one done means I don't need to borrow his feet again, thanks to a pretty clear indication in the repeats of the pattern and such. I don't have that luck with my plain vanilla pattern. In fact, I might have to search my old laptop to find out what needle size I used. Ah well, I've got a few UFOs to finish, and some new socks to start, before I'll be driven to that, methinks.

Now, to continue on the socks!

Tuesday, 7 April 2009


I have been having an okay time with my knitting, but today... I discovered something sad.

The baby blanket is making progress. And... I just started the Mystic Roses mystery shawl. And... the sad part. Today I made Dom try on the first sock I'm making for him. And... he couldn't get it over his foot, let alone over his heel. I'm thinking of adding 8 stitches and going up a needle size. That should work. Hopefully. Either way, I'm knitting away, especially since I now have freedom for 3 weeks! Woohoo! Knitting ahoy!

Sunday, 4 January 2009

Oh, it's so dusty around here!

Whoops! I'm sorry, I know it looks like I've abandoned this blog. But I do remember that I have it, and I'm finally getting around to updating. Right, knitting wise...

I've been working on a baby blanket for a family friend (sorry, no photo, don't want her to see it before it's finished). It's not done yet, and the baby is due in January (whistles innocently), but I haven't been able to work on it like I should. Curse uni!

I have also been working on a pair of Francie socks but again, no photo. Maybe I should also mention that my camera has died?

I have finished the actual bag for the Cherry Blossom bag I'm making for Mum, now just needing to knit the flowers and the branch, but that's on hold until the baby blanket is finished. As, of course, are all the other UFOs I've still got lying around. That includes 2 pairs of almost fingerless gloves, a hat, and two stoles. I really shouldn't list my UFOs like that.

In life in general:

I've met someone and he is lovely (snuggles to him).

I somehow passed 3rd year Japanese this year, probably on a wing and a prayer.

My sole New Year's Resolution: learn to spin. I just bought some more fiber from Virginia Farm because it was just plain gorgeous. And also, I bought it in the hope that all my fiber will reach critical mass and I'll start spinning it. What do you think my chances are?

My laptop is slowly dying and I'm going to get a new one soonish. And also a new camera. Probably new brands of each, too.

Yep, I think that's the extent of my life at the moment. Things are looking remarkably good for the new year.