Okay, does anyone remember the engagement? I was engaged, but... it didn't work out. I'm now trying to get back on track, and have dived into my knitting as a result. Thus, a rather photo-heavy post.
Does anyone remember this stole, from Victorian Lace Today? Well, I finished it last year, and it is fabulous. I freely admit, I stuffed up the border, didn't do the requisite repeat adjustments at the corners, etc. but you can't really tell, to look at it.
but along with my sister, her cat decided to help with the first blocking.
I have also learned to make socks. I can do the short row heel...
And the flap heel...
And one of these pairs I've even finished!
This pair I hadn't yet conquered kitchener stitch, but I've almost got it. I shall upload photos of the current pair of socks later. I can't be bothered fussing around with my camera and uploading it right now. But that pair is currently 3/4's done.
I'm also working on a shawl for a family friend, who had some bad news late last year. I thought a lovely lace shawl she could wrap herself in (in her favourite colour) would be nice.
That's all from me just now. There will be another update within the week.
Ja mata!