I have fixed the border! I am very pleased with this.
I've done about 15 repetitions of the border pattern, am about half-way down one side, and I'm wanting to finish it as quickly as possible. So maybe another week or two to work on it. But I have good reason for wanting to finish it. My godmother visited the other day. And she brought yarn. I got 4 skeins of gorgeous 40/60 merino/mohair varicoloured with deep blues, purples, and greens.
Here is one of them, and I will be making another stole, I think, out of it. I confess, I love knitting lace. I swear, I'll make some socks eventually, but we've got summer temperatures in Sydney at the moment, despite still having a month left of winter, and lace is the best thing to knit in summer.
Yay for happy times and knitting progress!